Serenity Park
Serenity Park is a non-profit treatment facility for chemically dependent men and women. Our treatment model, Recovery Dynamics, is 12-Step based and is designed to insure long-term sobriety from alcohol and drugs. Our program includes a rigorous schedule of group sessions, intensive individual counseling, family counseling as needed, and attendance at 12-step meetings both on site and in the community. Serenity Park's first priority is to provide the highest quality of care to individuals suffering the disease of addiction in a manner that prepares them to live productive, healthy, happy lives once they've completed treatment.
Serenity Park
2801 W Roosevelt Rd
Little Rock AR 72204-5655
Tel: 501 663-7627
For almost 40 years we have offered residential care for the recovering alcoholic and drug addict. Originally known as Serenity House, our facility came from inauspicious beginnings in an old YWCA building. After a move to a large home in downtown Little Rock (where Serenity House, now a chemical-free living environment for men, remains to this day), Serenity Park was officially established at 2801 West Roosevelt.
Of the first twenty men who went through our program, nine have maintained continuous sobriety and eight others have been sober for over fourteen years. We have now treated over 30,000 men and women and our recovery rate remains high.
Serenity Park currently offers 30-45 days of residential treatment and a 12-week aftercare program. We offer chemical-free living for men at Serenity House and work with several chemical-free houses for women. We have seven counselors, a legal liason, and a host of support and administrative staff, all of whom work to support our clients’ sobriety above all else.
